
Rudra Paying Guest

User-Facing Features

  1. Search PG: Search by location, price, and amenities.
  2. PG Listings: Display PG details, photos, and prices.
  3. Filter Options: Filter by location, price, gender, and amenities.
  4. Booking Form: Simple booking form with name, email, and phone number.
  5. Payment Gateway: Secure payment processing (e.g., PayPal, Stripe).
  6. User Reviews: Display reviews and ratings from previous guests.
Admin Features
  1. Dashboard: Overview of bookings, revenue, and user activity.
  2. PG Management: Manage PG listings, availability, and pricing.
  3. Booking Management: View, edit, and cancel bookings.
  4. User Management: Manage user accounts and profiles.
  5. Reporting: Generate reports on bookings, revenue, and user activity.
PG Owner Features
  1. PG Registration: Register PG with details, photos, and pricing.
  2. Availability Calendar: Manage availability and bookings.
  3. Booking Notifications: Receive booking notifications via email/SMS.
  4. Payment Tracking: Track payments and revenue.
Basic Pages
  1. Home
  2. About Us
  3. Contact Us
  4. FAQ
  5. Terms and Conditions
Technical Features
  1. Responsive Design: Mobile-friendly design.
  2. SSL Certificate: Secure browsing and data protection.
  3. Content Management System (CMS): Easy content management.
Additional Ideas
  1. Map View: Display PG locations on a map.
  2. Amenities Filter: Filter PGs by amenities (e.g., Wi-Fi, laundry).
  3. User Profile: Allow users to save favorite PGs and bookings.
  4. Notification System: Send notifications for new bookings, payments, and cancellations.
  5. Review System: Allow users to rate and review PGs.